Mission Rental Assistance |

Mission Rental Assistance

Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Upper Cumberland

Contact Us Today

Call: 865-328-0770
Email: [email protected]

Sometimes having a serious health condition can make it difficult to pay your rent payment on time. And, fear of eviction can create additional stress for those living with an illness, making it harder for them to prioritize their health. If you are experiencing a situation like this, Mission Rental Assistance may be able to help.

Mission Rental Assistance has been providing emergency rental assistance to people living in Tennessee with certain medical conditions for 20 years. There is no cost to participate, and payments are made directly to your landlord. We also provide case management services to help individuals locate and maintain affordable housing that fits their needs.
To find out if we can assist you, please email [email protected]. or call 865-328-0770 today.